{looking up into one of Swoon's boats; photo from the ny times}
This weekend, one of my favorite NYC street artists, Swoon, is landing her traveling fleet of handmade boats at Deitch Projects in Long Island City, Queens as the final stop on a 3 week long tour down the Hudson River. The opening is this Sunday, and throughout the next week there will be live performances from members of the traveling art exhibit. This will be an amazing show, so be sure to check it out if you are in NYC!
Here is a brief from the Switch Back Sea website:
Swimming cities of Switchback Sea is a flotilla of seven intricately hand crafted vessels that will navigate the stretch of the Hudson River between Troy and the New York harbor this August 15th - September 7th. Imagined as a hybrid between boats and bits of land mass broken off and headed out to sea, the Switchback vessels will make stops in towns along the river bringing performances and music. Over the course of three weeks they will make their way toward their home port - an invented landscape tucked into a niche along the East River in Long Island City, Queens.
Here are some examples of Swoon's work seen on the streets in NYC:
Have a great weekend!