Ahhh lucite. It is one of my favorite materials , I am constantly searching for vintage (solid) lucite sculptures. Of course my best (affordable) luck so far has been ebay, but even it has a limited scope on the kind of lucite I like. I prefer it to be solid, chunky and sculptural, in the most basic simple shapes.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)About a year ago, Patrick banned me from ebay because of my eraser lucite sculpture (it weighs over 50 lbs. and cost triple the price of itself to ship to me)! Whatever, I am back on the wagon and here are a few of my personal favorite selections.
I am so lucky to own these iGuzzini owls! The two obelisks look great on our mantle, the left one is signed Clark T Bailey and the one on the right is vintage Astrolite.
The coolest eraser sculpture ever.