Shapes & Motion

I love this identity for the fashion label G T B designed by the fantastic design studio Hort. The colors, movement and subtle graphic shapes are amazing.

{images from hort}

Pretty Placement

I absolutely love these ceramics from Royal Goedewaagen. They are smart, beautiful and the painted details are perfectly placed. The Dutch are the best when it comes to ceramics, and well, okay, most design in my opinion!

A Sweet Stand

I love these adorable little cupcake stands from Whitney Smith.

Little Book of Letterpress

I'm thrilled announce Thoughtful Day is in Little Book of Letterpress by Charlotte Rivers, published by Chronicle Books. Invitations from my Melodie Collection and a custom stationery set were featured. I'm very honored and amazed that I get to be in a book with so many of my favorite designers; it's really quite humbling. And not to mention being in a book authored by Charlotte, who has quite the cache of great design books under her belt. If you haven't already seen the book, it's definitely a must have for any stationery enthusiast.

Oh, and I'll be sure to let you know when I update my site (soon!) with some fun new projects!


Browsing through Shop Bop the other day, I came across this dress that would be a nice wedding dress for a more casual, low key wedding. And it's a great price - $233. It is cream, not white, which may not be many brides choice for color, but it is still really pretty and for the right bride, it could be perfect.

{photos from shop bop}

Shiny Happy People

I would more than love to get my hands on this cookbook by Neil Roake.

{photos from shiny happy people via elements of style}

Inspired Color & Placement

The photographs by Tara Donne are nothing short of eye candy to gaze at this lovely Tuesday morning. I can't believe summer is over - where has the time gone?

I hope everyone had a lovely holiday weekend!

{photographs by tara donne}

Grandma Lila

This is a photo of my Grandma Lila and Grandpa Levi on their wedding day, May 17, 1945. She passed away this week and gets to be with my Grandpa again. Ever since my Grandpa passed away in the late 80's, she would talk about him every day and their beautiful love story. It was a tale of true love at it's simplest and most beautiful form. I feel so lucky to have known her for all of these years and finally, her dream has come true, at long last, to be with the love of her life.

Around 1893, my great grandparents came to America from Lebanon and went on to have 10 children. My Grandma Lila was the youngest and last survivor of her family. My grandma had a twin sister named Lula and also within her immediate family were twin boys. Two sets of twins in one family! Needless to say, she will be and is greatly missed. Unless you know me, you would never know that I was Lebanese, I'm blonde with green eyes. But the Lebanese culture was and is a huge part of my life, especially the food. For me, Lebanese cooking is my ultimate comfort food and luckily, my mom has carried on so many of my grandma's amazing recipes.

And as many of you know, we named our daughter Lyla Belle, after my Grandma Lila. I'm so thankful that I get a special little reminder of my Grandma through my daughter every day.

That's it for now. Have a lovely weekend and be sure to give lots of hugs and kisses to your loved ones.

Serious Stitches

Rebecca Ringquist's embroidery work is amazing. She alternates between hand embroidery, machine stitching and screenprinting. Wow.